It now takes no effort above ordering within 30 days of your last invoice. Our system will automatically apply your reward.
Order within 30 days to receive a FREE Gift, Discount Upgrade i.e. maximum discount on all products which have GR/Volume Discounts offer boxes (Look out for small boxes on top of the family or product page spread all over the website with Gold Reward/Volume Discount Headers.) regardless of the amount ordered.
Order every month to maintain your membership and get maximum discounts without worrying about order quantities. This means you can replace the stock sold rather than forever increasing stock levels just to get maximum discounts.
Gold reward members:
Order within 30 days to become a Gold Reward Member
Receive a Free Gift on orders over
£100+ Vat
Receive maximum volume discounts without having to order bulk quantities
PS: Not had time to order, have been on holiday, need an extension? No problem - put your case to our customer service which handles the Gold Reward system
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About AW
The AW Family
Ancient Wisdom Marketing Ltd.
Affinity Park, Europa Drive
Sheffield, S9 1XT
United Kingdom
VAT: GB764298589
REG: 04108870